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Why should I service my Aircon?

By having your aircon being serviced regularly, you can ensure clean air filters and unit. This will ensure that you are constantly breathing in clean air that are free of dust, bacteria and pollutants.
It will also reduce dirt, dust, and bacteria from accumulating in your unit.

  • If you want to extend your aircon’s life, it is essential to check it regularly. There are many benefits that come along with it, including:
  • It facilitates the proper functioning of the system. This is important, especially during hot temperatures
    Prevents any serious problems.
  • Preserve efficiency. With time, your AC requires additional energy to function properly. By regularly servicing it, you will preserve the efficiency and this will help you keep your electricity bills low.

Now that you know the reasons why it is important to service your air conditioner, let’s talk about how often you should do so.
The recommended frequency for common households’ air-conditioner in Singapore should be serviced once every 3 months.
This is recommended for the average household air-conditioner usage, where most households would use their units frequently along the day.

If you have forgotten the last time you did your servicing, book a servicing with our pool of professionals today.